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Sephora Accelerate

Publié le : 2018-05-23 16:44:44
Catégories : Creation

Sephora Accelerate

If you are a women entrepreuneur in beauty and fragrances with an innovative project and you want to change our world positively in designing the future of the beauty…..

Apply to Sephora Stands Accelerate program.

pH fragrances has has the chance to have been selected among the top 8 best beauty startups in Europe by Sephora to attend this fantastic programm.

It was a fantastic human adventure and this program helped me with a mentoring to build my brand pH fragrances.

Sephora Accelerate is dedicated to building a community of innovative femal founder in Beauty.

Even in Beauty industry femal founder are underrepresented and Sephora encourage initiative of women who are in early stage of developping their business.

Within 2020, Sephora will have helped more than 50 women to led beauty business in United States, Europe, Asia.

pH fragrances

The Soul of Fragrances

